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The Advantages of Seeking Urgent Care From a 24 Hour Walk In Clinic - Legacy ER

The Advantages of Seeking Urgent Care From a 24 Hour Walk In Clinic - Legacy ER

Have you noticed how medical emergencies seem to happen at the most ungodly hours? Even before the crack of dawn, your child may have an unusually high body temperature, or you could have difficulty breathing shortly after midnight. In either case, you need urgent care, and you can get it in a 24 hour walk in clinic location near you.

24 Hour Walk in Clinic

The human body is delicate, and certain medical emergencies can be fatal if not treated in good time. When you need emergency care or urgent care, you should get it as soon as you can, because it may be the difference between life and death or permanent organ damage or loss of limbs. No matter the time of the day, you can receive medical treatment from a 24 hour walk in clinic location. Thanks to 24 hour emergency care, you don’t have to worry about finding your local hospital closed or waiting until your family doctor is available.

The fact that you can walk in without prior notice at any time of the day and night makes 24 hour urgent care locations attractive and extremely beneficial. Today, most 24 hour walk in clinics are equipped to handle both ER & urgent care. Additionally, a 24 hour urgent care location can diagnose and treat most of the health conditions that require urgent medical care. According to a 2016 Benchmarking Report by the Urgent Care Association of America, urgent care centers diagnosed some common illnesses in 2015. These included acute pharyngitis, cough, acute bronchitis, acute upper respiratory infection, and acute sinusitis.

The good thing is that you can visit the nearest 24 hour walk in clinic location and receive urgent care for any health issues, regardless of the time. Here are more benefits of 24 hour urgent care locations.

1. Fair Billing Rates

Emergency room visits are fairly expensive as they’re designed to treat life-threatening conditions. It’s common for people to rush to the ER for medical conditions that are treatable in a 24 hour walk in clinic. They end up paying more, as they’re charged using ER’s rates that are typically higher. However, 24 hour walk in clinics have fairer rates and charge their patients appropriately.

The modern trend in healthcare is convenient care, which combines both ER and urgent care under the same roof. More 24 hour walk in clinics are adopting this trend. As such, they can charge their patients for both urgent care and emergency care. Ultimately, the costs remain considerably fair and convenient for the patients, even those without medical insurance.

2. Less Waiting Time

Walk-in clinics have less waiting times. The fact that they remain open all day and night give doctors ample time to see all the patients. Even more, walk-in clinics provide for more doctor –to-patient time. Ultimately, this translates to more effective treatment as there is more communication between the doctor and the patient.

3. Convenience of Access

You’ll find a 24 hour walk in clinic near you without much trouble. As they’re easier to set up and run compared to large medical facilities, walk-in clinics are more widely-spread. You can visit walk-in clinics in Allen, Frisco, Coppell and many other cities in Texas and all the other states in North America.

4. Qualified Practitioners & Better Patient-Care

Even though a 24 hour walk in clinic may be smaller in size, the quality of medical treatment is top-quality. People who utilize walk-in clinics can attest that they receive more personal treatment than they would receive from the bigger medical facilities. As the doctors have more time with each patient they attend to, they can diagnose the patient more closely.

When you or your relatives and friends need urgent care, you should visit the closest 24 hour walk in clinic location. Not only will you save time and money, but you’ll also receive more personalized treatment from the best doctors who care about your health and well-being.