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3 Common School Year Injuries That We Treat

  • Category: Treatment
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  • Written By: Alex Murray
3 Common School Year Injuries That We Treat

If your children are back in school this September, you’ll know how common it is to receive a call from the principal or from your child that he or she has sustained an injury. For better or worse, these little injuries are just a part of growing up.
Whether they’ve had an accident in the classroom or a sports-related trauma, even minor injuries and illnesses may require a visit to the emergency room. Even if it’s not a medical emergency, you may still need access to reliable walk-in urgent care. Our facility, which houses both urgent and emergency care, treats injury and illness of all varieties. However, we tend to see certain injuries quite a bit during the school year. Here are three of the most common injuries we treat at our walk-in urgent care and emergency facility:

  • Fractures and sprains

In summer’s hot weather, kids may be quite active at sports camps and while playing with friends. However, the fall signals the official start of many extracurricular sports — and with it, comes an increase in sports-related injuries like sprains and bone fractures. There are many different types of fractures, all of which can be determined by our board-certified physicians, and they can be sustained by anything from a simple fall to a hard tackle on the football field. If you have a bone fracture or sprain, our ER and urgent care staff will determine where you will be best served and will help you get back on your feet.

  • Cuts and lacerations

Whether you received a cut while playing a sport or from falling off your bike, the severity of lacerations can be quite variable. Many times, you can treat such wounds at home, but cuts that are especially long, deep, or over a bone will require medical evaluation and treatment. If you cannot stop blood flow at home or a cut looks especially serious, seek help from our emergency services or visit our walk-in urgent care for immediate treatment.

  • Burns

When the weather cools down, the need for heating becomes necessary. Although most kids understand the importance of fire safety, accidents can still happen. Whether your child was heating up soup on the stove or spills hot water on themselves, we provide emergency and urgent care for kids who have sustained minor or major burns. These injuries can be extremely painful and should be treated immediately.

Our skilled staff can assess whether your child’s injury requires emergency treatment or can be treated by our urgent care staff. This distinction is important for patients in terms of cost; according to a private study conducted by Milliman, 44 to 66% of all emergency room visits could have been treated in an urgent care clinic. Luckily, our facility gives you and your family admittance to both of these services. No matter what type of injury or illness, a visit to our facility will provide you with the best urgent care or emergency healthcare services.