We all lose our footing from time to time. Babies often fall when they learn to walk, athletes fall when they take a hit in sports, and older ...
Hollywood makes it look like dislocated shoulders are nothing to worry about as long as you’re tough enough. However, the reality is far ...
One moment, you're playing your favorite sport or going for a run, and the next, you're nursing a thumb injury. While some thumb sprains are ...
Knee sprains are common injuries, especially in the field of athletics. But anybody can get a knee sprain by falling or twisting one’s foot. Knee ...
Ankles contain strong ligaments that connect the foot bones with the bones in the lower leg. Ligaments protect and stabilize the ankle joint; ...
A concussion is one of the most common sports and recreation injuries. Around 300,000 cases are reported each year from football alone. What’s ...
Although dealing with minor injuries and illnesses is never a fun thing to have to do, it’s an inevitable part of life. It’s good to know how to ...
Broken bones, medically known as bone fractures, are common injuries that happen more often than you might think. While children and the elderly ...
A seemingly mild head injury can sometimes be a serious issue in disguise. Understanding the signs of a severe head or brain injury can be ...
Not every bump on the head warrants a visit to the ER. Though frightening, a mild blow to the skull can heal surprisingly quickly, especially if ...
Lacerations are deep cuts of the skin varying in depth, length, and width. It’s produced when the softer body tissue tears in an irregular or ...
Infections, Bug Stings and Insect Bites Most insect stings and bug bites will leave a mark and hurt for roughly five to ten days after the ...