There are many common causes of sore throat, including bacterial infection and environmental factors. Knowing the cause can help you quickly identify ...
Uh, oh! You feel a tickle in your throat, and then a cough soon follows. What is causing your cough, and how should it be treated? We all get a cough ...
Back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Whether it's a dull ache after a long day of work or sharp, shooting pains that limit ...
It’s impossible to understand just how painful a migraine is unless you’ve experienced it. Then, there is no question that this isn’t merely a ...
A hernia is quite common. Studies estimate that 15 out of every 1,000 males in the United States suffer from this. Just because it is common does not ...
The National Kidney Foundation says that more than half a million people visit the emergency room for kidney stones yearly. Aside from severe pain, ...
There are a number of things that could be responsible if you or your loved one have difficulty breathing. Everything from food allergies to chronic ...
When it comes to injuries, illnesses, and severe pains, all you want is to feel better within the shortest time possible. So, what will you do if you ...
If you have ever dealt with chest pain or difficulty breathing, then you know just frightening this experience can be. However, many people simply do ...
Abdominal pain is never fun to deal with. Sometimes it can be caused by something mild, such as gas or indigestion. However, in some cases, abdominal ...
Dealing with chest pain can be scary. As a matter of fact, dealing with any sort of health problem such as chest pain can be cause for alarm in many ...
Abdominal pain is common amongst people, and it is mostly caused by minor problems such as consuming spicy food, constipation, gastroenteritis, acid ...