There are many common causes of sore throat, including bacterial infection and environmental factors. Knowing the cause can help you quickly identify ...
Uh, oh! You feel a tickle in your throat, and then a cough soon follows. What is causing your cough, and how should it be treated? We all get a cough ...
Back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Whether it's a dull ache after a long day of work or sharp, shooting pains that limit ...
Trying to figure out what is causing your stomach to hurt can be difficult to determine when there are so many things that could be causing it. When ...
Every year, there are approximately 110 million visits to the emergency room. Many of these emergency room or urgent care situations are due to ...
There are approximately 110 million emergency room visits annually for a variety of different reasons. But one of the most common reasons for a trip ...
Although business owners and managers try to do everything in their power to protect employee injuries, accidents can still occur. In many cases, ...
Most of us try our hardest to avoid risky situations that could end with someone getting hurt. But sometimes, you may not be able to anticipate the ...
Summertime means fun in the sun for the majority of people, but for emergency staff, it means overtime. Urgent cares and emergency rooms see a spike ...
Raising children is a full-time job that doesn’t come with any training. Moms and dads alike often learn the struggles of parenting as they go along. ...
Wintertime is prime season for colds, sore throats, and other ailments. Not surprisingly, urgent care visits tend to spike during this time of year. ...
The holiday season is typically a time for warmth and joy, but every year, without fail, there are a few crazy injuries that land people in the ER or ...