Outdoor and recreational activities help people stay active and can even boost mental health. However, with any outdoor activity comes the risk of injury. It is essential to understand the nature of outdoor injuries and when to seek medical treatment.
Outdoor injuries can happen anywhere. For instance, someone could sprain their ankle while hiking up a mountain or get a minor burn from an outdoor fire while camping. They could twist their arm playing sports or become overexerted jogging in a park. Fortunately, most outdoor injuries are minor and can be treated at home successfully.
Some of the most common outdoor injuries result from:
The R.I.C.E method is a sufficient treatment plan for minor injuries like sprains. Rest the injured ankle for a few days, apply ice every hour for twenty minutes, wrap the ankle in a compression bandage, and elevate it above the heart to reduce swelling. Non-prescription painkillers can help relieve pain from a sprained ankle and pain caused by other minor injuries.
If the injury comes in the form of a minor burn or cut, it is important to follow first aid treatment rules.
Preventing outdoor injuries involves being aware of outdoor hazards and wearing the appropriate gear for outdoor activities. Check weather forecasts for storms and strong winds. Warm up before hiking or climbing mountains. Stay hydrated by drinking enough water. Follow all safety guidelines and rules when participating in outdoor activities and sports.
Visit one of our convenient DFW area Legacy ER & Urgent Care's to care for your outdoor injury and get you on the road to recovery quick.