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Sports Injuries: Diagnosis and Treatment

Sports injuries are a common affliction among athletes. Those who enjoy outdoor activities like running and hiking are also at risk of injury. Sports injuries range from bruises to fractures and may lead to chronic conditions.

Symptoms of Sports Injuries

Acute sports injury symptoms are unmistakable. Acute injuries happen unexpectedly and cause immediate pain. Swelling and limited movement often follow. Examples of acute injuries include sprains, dislocations, and fractures.

Chronic injuries happen when a joint or limb experiences continued stress. They don’t present symptoms immediately but may become more painful over time. Shin splints and stress fractures are common chronic injuries.

Causes of Sports Injuries

The primary causes of sports injuries are accidents and impacts like sudden falls and collisions during high-energy activities. Poor training practices like overtraining and lack of rest can also lead to injury.

Sometimes, ill-fitting or wrong sports gear can hurt the joints, while a lack of warmup before running or hiking can cause strains.

Diagnosing Sports Injuries

Diagnosing a sports injury starts with checking the patient’s medical history and a physical examination. Doctors may need X-rays or an MRI to rule out or confirm broken bones or to determine the severity of the injury.

Sports Injury Treatment

Treatment starts as soon as a diagnosis is made. Sports injury treatment is based on the severity of the injury. Most of the time, R.I.C.E is required (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation). In some cases, rehabilitation and physical therapy may be required. Painkillers can also help relieve discomfort as the injury heals.

Preventing Sports Injuries

Sports injuries happen unexpectedly, but it’s often easier to prevent than to treat. Preventing sports injuries includes proper warmups before exercise, using the right equipment, and cooling down. It also includes wearing the appropriate shoes for different sports activities. Maintaining overall health can also reduce the risk of a sports injury.

Visit Legacy ER & Urgent Care for Sports Injury Treatment

Legacy ER & Urgent Care is here to meet your medical care needs by providing affordable pricing and quality care through locations across the DFW area.
