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feverViruses and bacteria thrive when your body is at its normal temperature. When you have a fever, it’s your body’s way of activating the immune system and attempting to kill the viruses or bacteria. Most of the time, a fever isn’t a cause for concern. However, if it gets too high or is accompanied by other symptoms, you need to seek immediate medical treatment.

The ER-trained physicians at Legacy ER & Urgent Care can diagnose the cause of the fever and provide treatment. Visit one of our six locations if your fever is too high and you need medical care.

What Is a Fever?

While most people think that the normal body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, the optimal temperature varies from person to person. You’re within the normal range if your temperature is 97-99 degrees Fahrenheit. In addition, it can be a bit higher than the normal range without serious health risks. In fact, the high fever temperature is set at anything above 100.4 degrees, which is a few ticks higher than the normal range.

When Should Adults Go to the ER for a Fever?

If your fever reaches 105 degrees Fahrenheit, go to the emergency room and call 911. Also, go to the emergency room if your fever is accompanied by a:

When Should Kids Go to the Emergency Room?

It’s also important to know what fever is too high for children.It’s time to go to the emergency room if the:

  • Child is less than three months old
  • Child’s fever lasts longer than five days
  • Fever exceeds 104 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Child shows signs of dehydration
  • Child is hard to wake up
  • Child has a 102 degrees Fahrenheit temperature for two consecutive days after receiving a vaccination

When to Call 911 for a High Fever in a Child

Children can suffer seizures as a result of high fevers. If your child has a seizure, call 911. Also, place the child on his or her side and make sure there isn’t anything in their mouth.

While a high fever is your body’s way of fighting illness, it can get too high. Monitor your symptoms and visit Legacy ER & Urgent Care if you require medical attention. Without the proper treatment, the fever could spike even higher, causing long-term medical problems.